Rehabilitation of Interceptor Sewer in South Street, Borough of Manhattan

PS-312MX, NYC Dept. of Design and Construction, Project Cost: $29 million

JWP is providing Resident Engineering Inspection services for Rehab of intercepting sewers in South Street, Manhattan.  The project is the first of its kind – utilizing a trenchless pipe lining method, to line the inside of the massive interceptor sewer with steel-reinforced SPR liner, without interruption of flow.

JWP estimated completion date: 2025


Installation of Sidewalks, Curbs and Pedestrian Ramps, Borough of Queens

HWS2021Q, NYC Dept. of Design and Construction, Project Cost: $6.6 million

JWP is providing Resident Engineering Inspection services for the Requirements project for Installation of Sidewalks, Curbs and Pedestrian Ramps in Queens.  

 JWP Scheduled Completion Date: 2025